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Oct 07, 2024
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Leader Of Hamas Abroad Khaled Mashal On Anniversary Of October 7 Attack: Our Losses Are Tactical, Whereas Our Enemy's Losses Are Strategic; Jihad With Money Is No Longer Enough, Muslims Should Wage Jihad With Weapons

#11466 | 01:52

Khaled Mashal, leader of Hamas abroad, said in an October 7, 2024 address to the Kuala Lumpur Forum, which was aired on Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar), that the Palestinian losses since the October 7, 2023 attack have been "tactical," whereas the enemy's losses are strategic. He explained that while Hamas's losses have been "tremendous and painful," they will lead them to "great horizons, whereas the enemy's losses will lead to annihilation. Mashal continued to call upon Muslims worldwide to "open new fronts" and join the Jihad with money as well as weapons and sacrifice of life.

Khaled Mashal: "Our losses are tactical, whereas our enemy's losses are strategic. This is a fact.


"Our losses are tactical – pain and death, which is martyrdom. We are suffering, but it is all for the sake of Allah.


"Today, we are making tremendous and painful sacrifices, but they will lead to great horizons, inshallah. As for our enemy, its losses are strategic.


"The enemy is losing its strategic path, and is accelerating its certain annihilation. It has lost on all levels. In addition, all Muslim and non-Muslim nations, throughout history, had to pay steep prices. The resistance axis has joined us, and we are thankful for that, but today, the rest of the forces of our nation need to do two things: They should open new fronts for the resistance. This is the duty of Jihad. The second thing is that we need to open new political and legal fronts. We should persecute this entity on the international level.


"Jihad by money is great, but it is no longer enough. We want Jihad with weapons and the [sacrifice] of lives. We should open additional fronts. The enemy is fighting us everywhere, and we should fight it the way it fights us."

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