On February 8, 2019, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei delivered a speech on the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution. The speech aired on Channel 1, Iranian TV. Khamenei said that the Americans are the epitome of evil and that they complain that the Iranian people chant “Death to America.” Khamenei added that “Death to America means death to Trump, John Bolton, and Pompeo. It means death to the leaders. We don't care about the American public.” He continued: “As long as the American government and regime continue with their evil actions and vile and despicable interference, the Iranian people will not stop chanting: "Death to America." The audience, members of the Iranian air force, replied with the chant, "Allah Akbar!... Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent! Death to America! Death to England! Death to the hypocrites and evil ones! Death to Israel!" Khamenei then recommended: “Do not trust the Europeans either.” ”Look at them with suspicious eyes. They are not committed to anything.” He accused the French government of blinding demonstrators and said the Europeans have no right to criticize Iran's human rights record.
Following are excerpts:
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The peoples are not important to the (Americans). They can be trampled upon. They are the epitome of evil. Yet they dare say humiliating things about the Islamic Republic of Iran and its people. They complain that the Iranian people chant "Death to America." First, I would like to explain to America's "esteemed dignitaries": "Death to America" means death to Trump, John Bolton, and Pompeo. It means death to the leaders. We don't care about the American public. "Death to America" means death to the few who run that country. That's what it means. It means them now, and in past times, [it meant death] to others. It is not about the American people. Second, as long as the people… As long as the American government and regime continue with their evil actions and vile and despicable interference, the Iranian people will not stop chanting: "Death to America."
Crowd Member: Say: "Allah Akbar."
Crowd: Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar. Khamenei is the leader. Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent! Death to America! Death to England! Death to the hypocrites and the evil ones! Death to Israel!
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: These days, people in our country talk about the Europeans and their proposals. I recommend: Do not trust the Europeans either.
Look at them with suspicious eyes. They are not committed to anything. See how on the streets of Paris, they are blinding their own people. The demonstrators on the streets of Paris are attacked by the French government's armed forces, and many of them become blind. This is how they behave towards their own people. Yet they have the audacity to demand that we respect human rights. What is it to you? What do you know about human rights to be able to demand another country and other people to respect them?