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Feb 01, 2019
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Iranian Ayatollah Gholamali Naeimabadi Coaxes Crowd into Chanting "Death to America" in a Bandar Abbas Friday Sermon

#7005 | 01:29
Source: Khalijefars TV (Iran)

Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei's representative in the Hormozgan Province, Ayatollah Gholamali Naeimabadi, said in a Friday, February 1, 2019 sermon in Bandar Abbas that the Islamic Revolution will continue on its path, and that the Iranian people can become "good friends" of Ayatollah Khamenei by filling the "empty half [of a half-full glass]" with their "presence on the scene." He said that problems will not be resolved by slogans, but that February 11, which will be the Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, is a day of slogans. He then coaxed the crowd into chanting "Death to America," "Death to Israel," and "Death to the Saud clan," and encouraged them to say it loudly. The sermon aired on Khalijefars TV (Iran) on February 2, 2019.

Following are excerpts:


Ayatollah Gholamali Naeimabadi: The Revolution continues on its path. It has continued so far and it will continue. We need to see both halves [of the glass] – the empty and the full. We need to fill the empty half with our presence on the scene. Only then will we be good friends to the leader. The problems will not be resolved by slogans. But February 11 (the Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution) is a day for slogans. We need to say "Death to America" very loudly. Make it loud! I think maybe someone in the corner over there said it… Only one.

Crowd: Death to America! Death to America! Death to America! Death to America! Death to America!

Ayatollah Gholamali Naeimabadi: Death to… Louder!

Crowd: …to Israel! Death to Israel! Death to Israel!

Ayatollah Gholamali Naeimabadi: Death to…

Crowd: …the Saud clan! Death to the Saud clan! Death to the Saud clan!

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