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Dec 24, 2016
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Kuwaiti MP Waleed Tabtabaie: Israel Runs the World, Coordinates with the U.S., Russia, and Iran to Destroy Syria

#5819 | 02:33
Source: Al-Majlis TV (Kuwait)

Kuwaiti MP Waleed Tabtabaie recently said that the problem of the Syrian revolution was "the Zionist entity, which runs the world" and "does not want the Al-Assad regime to fall." Tabtabaie further said that "Israel – or rather, the Zionist entity – is one of the causes of the crisis of the Syrian people. It protects the Bashar regime, and is coordinated with the U.S., Russia, and Iran, in order to destroy [Syria]." The interview aired on the Kuwaiti Al-Majlis TV channel on December 24


Interviewer: "Chemical weapons and poisonous gases were used, especially in East Ghouta. Why do you think the world failed to intervene militarily in order to protect the Syrian people?


Waleed Tabtabaie: "There is no doubt that the problem of the Syrian revolution is that Syria is a neighbor of occupied Palestine, of the Zionist entity. It is the Zionist entity that runs the world. It does not want the Al-Assad regime to fall, because although this regime purports to be a part of the resistance, it is, in fact, the protector of the borders of Palestine... of Israel... of the Zionist entity. The fall of this regime would be a blow to Israel. Therefore, Israel is exercising its influence on the Americans to protect this regime."




Interviewer: "If it is an issue of the borders and of Syria being adjacent to Israel, things will not change and the world will not intervene, because the borders will not change, and Syria and Israel will remain neighbors."


Waleed Tabtabaie: "But the will of the Syrian people and the will of Allah will continue to trump everything else. We expect the destruction of Israel, Allah willing. The day before yesterday, there was a significant change in the United Nations, when Israel was denounced for the first time in 26 years..."


Interviewer: "In order to stop the settlements..."


Waleed Tabtabaie: "[The UN] denounced the settlements. So while it is true that Israel leads America and America leads the world, the Syrian people is steadfast. The Syrians toppled the regime in two years, fought Iran in the subsequent two years, and are now facing Russia... "


Interviewer: "Considering the UN resolution you just mentioned – won't the UNSC make a similar resolution with regard to Syria and intervene there? After all, you can see that the world intervened with regard to Israel. You cannot pin your hopes on the Security Council."


Waleed Tabtabaie: "Israel – or rather, the Zionist entity – is one of the causes of the crisis of the Syrian people. It protects that Bashar regime, and it is coordinated with the U.S., Russia, and Iran, in order to destroy [Syria]. But, Allah willing, the Syrian people will emerge victorious."



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