Following are excerpts from speeches delivered by Sheik Hammam Saeed, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan. One of the addresses was posted on the Internet on May 24, 2013; the other aired on Al-Aqsa TV on June 7, 2013.
The Internet, May 24, 2013:
Sheik Hammam Saeed: We must not forget the enemy, which planted the Jews in our land. It is time we demanded that these enemies and especially Britain, be held accountable. It is time that we held these true criminals accountable.
I would like to stress a matter of utmost importance: The slogan of the present stage is the seeking of a durable peace. The region's rulers are seeking a durable peace. Even those rulers of Palestine are seeking a durable peace.
What does a "durable peace" mean? It means that Palestine does not belong to us, that Palestine does not belong to its Islamic nation or its people. Those who talk about a "durable peace" are, by necessity, giving up on Palestine, and are searing, in the strongest possible terms, that they have nothing to do with Palestine, and that they do not want to return to it. Palestine has been removed from their considerations, and is no longer among their concerns.
What is the ruling of Islamic law against such a person? This is heresy, according to Islamic law, because Allah says that Palestine belongs to the Islamic nation, while they say that Palestine belongs to the Jews. Anyone who says that Palestine belongs to the Jews has no place in the religion of Allah, and no room in this creed. This is an issue of heresy and belief.
Al-Aqsa TV, June 7, 2013:
Sheik Hammam Saeed: There is only one case in which negotiations are possible. It is like when Saladin brought 20 Crusader kings, and put them to death, cleansing Palestine and leaving no trace of them in the pure land of Palestine. This is what we say to the Jews: We will not accept you on the land of Palestine.
I say to you, oh Jews: The time of your reckoning has come. By Allah, we will hold you accountable for every drop of blood you have spilled, for every inch of land you attacked, and for every mosque-goer whose entry into the Al-Aqsa Mosque you have prevented.
Woe betide you, oh Jews, do you realize that this is mentioned in the Koran and the hadith? The entire history of the nation points today toward Palestine.
Crowd member: Say: "Allah Akbar."
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Crowd member: Palestine is the land of our forefathers.
Crowd: Palestine is the land of our forefathers.
Crowd member: Palestine is the land of our forefathers.
Crowd: Palestine is the land of our forefathers.
Crowd member: It is the graveyard of the Jews.
Crowd: It is the graveyard of the Jews.
Crowd member: It is the graveyard of the Jews.
Crowd: It is the graveyard of the Jews.