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Aug 11, 2024
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Lebanese Academic Abass Mezher On Hizbullah TV: The United States Is Controlled By A 'Zionist System'; When We Fight Israel – We Are Fighting America

#11345 | 02:07
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Lebanese academic Abass Mezher, the head of the Center for Antrhostrategic Studies said in an August 11, 2024 show on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that the United States is ruled by a "Zionist system." He said that this same system which rules Tel Aviv, London, and Berlin controls American universities, the Federal Reserve, and American intelligence agencies. Mezher added that both the U.S. president and Israeli prime minister are employees of this Zionist system. He said that this means that "when we fight Israel, we are fighting America."

Abass Mezher: "The United States is ruled by a Zionist system. The same system rules Tel Aviv, London, and Berlin, and is the decision-maker in NATO. This Zionist system controls American universities, so that the graduating generations will be to its liking. This system controls the American Federal Reserve, and it gives loans to the American government. It controls American intelligence agencies. It is not that America controls Israel or that Netanyahu controls America. There is a system that controls everybody.

"The Zionist system constitutes a shadow government for the global system that is based on the usurious Zionist ideology, which controls countries and people through banking systems that are Zionist in terms of their inception, ideology, and goals.

"When the decision of this Zionist system – the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and others – reaches the White House... The U.S. president is an employee of this Zionist system, and so is the Israeli PM. The decision-making is done by the system.

"We need to know that when the U.S. defends Israel, it defends its own existence. It defends its existence and interests in the Middle East. The American entity and the Israeli entity complete each other.


"Therefore, my dear friend, when we fight Israel, we are fighting America, and when you fight America, you are fighting Israel."


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