Following are excerpts from interviews with Lebanese citizens criticizing Hassan Nasrallah and Hizbullah, against the backdrop of opposition riots in Lebanon. The interviews were aired on Future TV on January 24, 2007.
Woman 1: I want to say to Hassan Nasrallah: What you are doing is unreasonable, and not something to be done in the holy month of Muharram. If they want to clash with our guys, let them come to Al-Jadida Road to clash with us. You saw how they said that we, the March 14 forces, are Jews? We are not Jews. We are the ones who hosted [the Shiites of the South]. We left our homes for their sake. We opened our homes to them. Even Olmert is more honorable than him. Olmert is more honorable than you, Nasrallah. Olmert is more honorable than you. I hope he hears this. I'm not afraid of him. I am from Al-Jadida Road, and Sa'd Al-Hariri... When he mentions the name "Sa'd Al-Hariri," he should bow his head. Hariri... Al-Jadida Road...
Woman 2: They said they would take to the streets in a civilized and peaceful manner. It has become evident just how civilized and peaceful they are in their attack against us and against our children, in their beating and killing them. Never mind, all we hope is for that hole-dweller, that "Abu Lahb"... We hope that this mouse will come out of his hole. Then we will show him what he's worth. That's it.
TV reporter: What do you want to say to him?
Woman 3: I want to tell him that we won't let anyone turn this place into a second Israel-Palestine with stones, and with all the war fatwas he issues all the time. He says he wants national unity, but this is not national unity. He got it wrong.
Woman 4: Nasrallah agrees to all this blood-shedding? The war criminal Aoun accepts the killing of our young men?
Woman 5: Look how far sectarianism has gone. I came to Al-Sa'adiyat, and a car full of punks passed by. They asked me: "Are you a Sunni or a Shiite?" Nasrallah should hear this.
Woman 6: Nasrallah, are you happy now? You've driven the Lebanese to fight one another. Are you happy now, Nasrallah?
Man: I have a shop in Al-Hamraa. I called my brother to come and help me. On his way, he was attacked near Fakhr Al-Din school in Al-Jadida Road. They threw stones at him, and he fell off his motorbike, and you can see the marks from the stones on his arm. Then he was hit by a car. I want to say to Sa'd [Al-Hariri] and to Prime Minister Siniora that if Siniora resigns under these circumstances, my brother's blood will have been spilled in vain.