Lebanese cleric Sheikh Muhammad Abu Al-Qat' delivered a Friday sermon in which he claimed that "all the wars and strife around the world are planned by the Jews," as well as "all the corruption suffered by humanity." Sheikh Abu Al-Qat' also said that "all the films about crime, killing, and abduction are produced by the Jews" and that they "are behind all the films of prostitution and abomination." He also said that "the Jews use women" to ensnare people, and that for this purpose, "most of the [Arab] presidents and leaders were filmed having sex with [former Israeli FM Tzipi] Livni." The sermon was delivered on December 22, 2017 at the Mosque of the Naqshbandi Order and was posted on YouTube.
Following is a transcript:
Muhammad Abu Al-Qat’: Allah said with regard to the Jews: All the wars and strife that plague humanity are planned by the Jews. In Quran [chapter 5], verse 64, Allah says: “Whenever they kindle fire for war, Allah extinguishes it”. Indeed, millions around the world are engaged in wars and strife. “Whenever they kindle fire for war, Allah extinguishes it”. Allah takes it upon Himself to protect His faithful servants. We all agree that the wars we fight against one another are plotted and planned by the Jews.
All the corruption suffered by humanity is planned by the Jews. All the films about crime, killing, and abduction are produced by the Jews. Jews are behind all the films of prostitution and abomination. I don’t know what percentage of our people watch films of sex and prostitution on their cellphones day and night.
The main alcohol manufacturers in Europe and America are Jews. The corruption of our women’s fashion was planned by the Jews. The moral disintegration is concocted by the Jews. To make a long story short: The Jews plan to make people leave their religion.
The Jews said that Allah is poor and stingy and that they are rich. This is why, my brothers, the Jews are stingy. They do not pay their collaborators. They give them some change to top up their cellphones or have a meal somewhere. But how do they ensnare people? For that the Jews use women. They issued a religious ruling that says it is no big deal if Jewish girls have sex with non-Jewish men, so long as it is in the service of Zionism. Therefore, most of the [Arab] presidents and leaders were filmed having sex with [former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi] Livni, and they are constantly being threatened with this.