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Aug 28, 2024
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Lebanese Journalist And Former Cabinet Member May Chidiac: We Will Collaborate Even With Satan If It Is Necessary To Protect Ourselves Against Hizbullah's Threats Of Annihilating The Christians In Lebanon

#11411 | 00:41
Source: Al-Mashhad TV (UAE)

Former Lebanese Minister for Administrative Development, journalist May Chidiac, said in an August 28, 2024 show on Al-Mashhad TV (UAE) that if Hizbullah decides to annihilate the Christians in Lebanon, they will collaborate even with Satan, if it is the only way to survive. She said that this is similar to past situations, when they obtained weapons from Israel in order to fight the Palestinians who wanted to annihilate Lebanese Christians. In 2005 May Chidiac survived an assassination attempt by Hizbullah against her.

May Chidiac: "Back in the day, [the Palestinians] said that they wanted to annihilate us. This is why we had no choice but to bring weapons from Israel. I am saying [to Hizbullah] that if they too decide to annihilate us, and collaborating with Satan will keep us on our feet, we will collaborate with Satan."

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