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Dec 21, 2024
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Lebanese Poet Maroun Abou Chakra: Many Researchers Say The Holocaust Did Not Happen, Or That The Figure Of Six Million Is Not Reasonable; The Jews Should Move To The Area In Russia Given To Them By Stalin

#11707 | 02:53
Source: OTV (Lebanon)

Lebanese poet Maroun Abou Chakra, author of A Message to Mr. Shlomo, appeared on OTV (Lebanon) on December 21, 2024, where he stated that Jesus taught that the Jewish god is evil—describing him as a killer, liar, and lover of war—while the Christian god is one of peace. Abou Chakra argued that this makes interfaith dialogue with Jews impossible. He also claimed that Jesus could not have been Jewish, stating that he was a Canaanite and, at most, 12.5% Jewish.

Abou Chakra further stated that Palestinians have nowhere to go, while "Shlomo" – referring to Jews in Israel – fled other countries and have second passports, so they must leave. He said that the conflict between Jews and Palestinians is one of competing heritage and will not end until one side eliminates the other. In his book, he suggested that Jews relocate to an area in Russia, which is twice the size of Palestine, and was given to them by Stalin. Additionally, Abou Chakra expressed doubt about the Holocaust, questioning whether six million Jews were truly victims.

Maroun Abou Chakra: "Take the Holocaust, for example. Many researchers around the world say that it was not true, or that the figure of six million that they quoted is not reasonable."


Interviewer: "Is God the same for all three [monotheistic religions]?"

Abou Chakra: "In my opinion, no. I believe that there is a conflict between the good God and the bad God since the beginning of time."

Interviewer: "You consider their god, the god of 'Shlomo,' to be an evil god?"

Abou Chakra: "Jesus told you so. Jesus.


"Since the beginning, the [Jewish god] was a killer, because he was the biggest liar. Jesus said so, not me."

Interviewer: "This was said about Jehova. Only later, they started talking about God. They began using the word 'god' at a later stage."

Abou Chakra: "Correct. His name is Jehova.


"With the God of the Christians – it is as if you can sit with Him for a drink and have laughs together. The god of the Jews, however, is a killer. He loves war. The god of the Christians loves peace. Their personality is completely different. So any interfaith dialogue is like a dialogue of the deaf.



"How could Jesus be a Jew, if he hails from the Canaanite culture, and is not of Jewish origins? At most, he is 12.5% Jewish."

Interviewer: "You are talking about the [genetic] pool..."

Abou Chakra: "Right.


"The Palestinians have nowhere to go. The Europeans will not accept them. They have nowhere to go. 'Shlomo,' who fled from another country, has a second passport. It is 'Shlomo' who needs to leave, because this is a fight between two gods, two cultures, two mentalities, two types of heritage. This conflict will not end until one side eliminates the other. It is an existential conflict. One side must leave. The easiest solution is for the side that came from abroad to leave back home. The owners of the land do not have to leave."

Interviewer: "And what would you do about [the Jews' claim of] a 'Promised Land'?"

Abou Chakra: "In my book, I offered them... There is a piece of land in Russia, twice the size of Palestine. The capital is called Birobidzhan. Stalin gave it to the Jews. They should go and live there, or go back to their countries."

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