On August 6, 2021, Hizubllah attempted to launch rockets at northern Israel from Chouaya, a Druze village in southern Lebanon. Druze residents of the village took over the rocket launcher and shouted: "Hizbullah is launching [rockets] next to our homes." Villagers exclaimed that local security forces, who they refer to as the "dogs of our region" defend the Hizbullah militants more than they defend the children of their own Druze sect. Footage of the events was uploaded to various online platforms.
Man: "See the dogs [security forces] of our region... The dogs of our region defend Hizbullah more than they defend the children of their own sect. These dogs defend them more than they defend us. This is Chouaya, near Hasbaiya. Let the public opinion see this. Hizbullah is launching [rockets] right next to our homes. From the middle of Chouaya. From the middle of a Druze village!"