Following are excerpts from a speech delivered by Libyan leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, which aired on Al-Munawa TV on April 15, 2007.
Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi: On this day, 21 years ago, a crazy president [Ronald Reagan] ordered his forces of destruction, his fleets, and his aircraft carriers to attack this house, this place, in violation of international legitimacy and international law, and in contempt of the U.N., the people's independence and right to life. This might happen again, when the conditions are suitable.
That crazy American president, who had Alzheimer's disease... When we told America that he was sick, they said he wasn't, but later it turned out that our diagnosis of that crazy president was correct. He sent 170 airplanes to bomb this house and this place. The airplanes refueled four times over the Atlantic Ocean and Europe, It was supported by NATO, with the exception of France, which did not let it use its airspace to attack this house. The scope of this aerial attack was unprecedented, except in the days of Hitler.
If our forces receive revolutionary orders to surround any hostile target, they will surround it like a bracelet surrounds the wrist. If these forces receive revolutionary orders to remove any enemy post, they will remove like just a razor removes wet hair, and just like an electric shaver sweeps away dry hair.
It is not the regular army, but the popular Iraqi resistance, which is forcing the strongest army on the face of the earth to consider withdrawal, to consider running away. The regular army did not defeat the aggression. The aggression is now being defeated by the popular forces, the popular resistance, and the trained ideological youth, who are defending the land and honor. They are the ones who are defeating the strongest army.
The new Fatimid state is ours. It is our history, our heritage. We created the first Fatimid state, and we will create the second. This is our state, and no one has the right to reject this. Whoever rejects this is barking like a dog. This is our state, which was founded on this land. It was founded by our forefathers, and we have the right [to rebuild it] if we can.
Cairo cannot escape its Fatimid destiny. Cairo is the city of the Caliph al-Mu'izz. Cairo was founded by the Fatimids. If not for the Fatimids, there would be no Cairo or Egypt. What was Egypt before the Fatimids? It was Alexandria and the pyramids. It was the Fatimids who chose Egypt, the heart of the nation, to be their capital, and so they built Cairo. Cairo is 100% Fatimid. Who can escape Cairo's Fatimid identity? What is Al-Azhar? It is the mosque of Fatima Al-Zahraa. None of those who graduate from Al-Azhar or who study there can change their identity. Al-Azhar is one of the Fatimid strongholds. If not for the Fatimids, there would be no Al-Azhar. Al-Azhar means the mosque of Fatima Al-Zahraa. Reexamine your culture and all your holidays. North Africa in its entirety is Shiite.
Today, it is said that the Shi'a is Iran and the Sunna is the Arabs. This is the greatest historical lie. The truth is as clear as day. Where did these interpretations, which are funny and sad at the same time, come from? Since when was a Shiite state founded in Iran or anywhere beyond the Arab world? The first Shiite state in history was the first Fatimid state in North Africa.
The Prophet's family were given the divine right to be rulers and Imams. This is the root of the problem today. From now on, we will not accept anyone in the Arab world who rules in the name of the religion and the Koran, or who establishes a religious state, unless he is [a descendant] of the Prophet's family. Otherwise, he is not worthy of ruling, he has neither the right, nor the legitimacy. He is pulling the rug out from under his own feet. May he fall to the lowest pit and go to hell!
I'm astounded by a country like Jordan. How come it does not belong to the Shiites, descending from the Prophet's family? Is it conceivable for Jordan to support Mu'awiya, Abu Sufian, and Hind? It is inconceivable. So why does it consider itself Sunni? They brought [the Sunni-Shiite issue] into the conflict, and they use it to justify the occupation and the protection of their scepters, and all those who are talking now exploit the Sunna, the Shi'a, the Arabs, the Persians, the Palestinian cause, Fatah, Hamas, and so on for the sake of their scepters and their thrones. They are all trying to consolidate their rule. That's it. They don't care about Hamas, Fatah, Palestine, Jerusalem, Shi'a, Sunna, Arabs, Persians, or world peace. They are all acting only fro the sake of their families, their thrones, their parties, and their own interests.
We have turned towards peace, because America has turned towards peace with us. After Reagan, America has not dealt with us with military power, or with missiles, airplanes, or aircraft carriers. In the Lockerbie affair, it dealt with us by means of the international law and the Security Council. Everybody knows that America controls the Security Council, but what's important is that America used a peaceful means against Libya, and completely ruled out the possibility of a military confrontation with Libya. In other words, after Reagan, America ruled out a military confrontation with Libya. After Lockerbie, America ruled out a military confrontation with Libya. America's relations with Libya were cold, until it turned towards peace with Libya. This is how the relations began. When America turned towards peace, we would have been stupid to reject it. We would have been like idiots, banging our heads against a wall. You bang your head against a wall when you go mad, and want to commit suicide.
When [America] began to deal with Libya in accordance with the law, the suspects were extradited to a third country - not Britain or America. Afterwards, compensation was paid. It was all done peacefully. Afterwards, the American companies returned to Libya. In order to return to Libya, the American oil companies had to pay, a sum that equaled the compensation we paid for Lockerbie. This was a great achievement. What we gave with our right hand we took back with our left hand.