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Apr 28, 2011
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Libyan TV Host Yousuf Shaqir Threatens the Americans, Following NATO Bombing near TV Building in Tripoli: This Will Be Your Grave

#2909 | 02:17
Source: Al-Jamahiriya TV (Libya)

Following are excerpts from a report by Libyan TV host Yousuf Shaqir, following the NATO bombing of the TV building in Tripoli. His report was aired on Al-Jamahiriya TV on August 28, 2011.

Yousuf Shaqir: See this hole? It will be their grave, the grave of their missiles. Look how deep this hole is. They razed the building to the ground.

Allah Akbar. This stems from their frustration and hatred, because their aggression was a failure. They failed in everything.

These people have lost their nerve. They have lost their manliness. They have lost track of the law, and they behave like cowboys.

In English: This is a message to the Yankees:

This is Libya. We are going to survive forever. We are never afraid of anything. We are facing you. We are ready, waiting for you on the ground. We want to see your boxes [i.e. coffins] and your bloodied bodies going to the cemetery in Washington, D.C. We will celebrate this.

This is our country, and we can protect it. We are not afraid. We are here. All the Libyans are in the streets. They are waiting for your bombs. This will never make us go back. Thank you.

In Arabic: They leveled the building, but Allah will protect this country, its people, and its soldiers.

You will continue to fail, and you will retreat in shame, Allah willing. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar.

Look what destruction they caused to the trees. They want to destroy this beautiful environment in which the Libyans live. They have polluted this pristine environment – may Allah pollute their own countries.

Allah is greater than them. He sent them the volcanoes and tornados that annihilated them.


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