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Nov 13, 2024
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The New Saudi Arabia - Luxury Fashion Designer Elie Saab Holds Extravagant Fashion Show in Riyadh, Featuring Appearances by Jennifer Lopez, Celine Dion, Halle Berry, Camila Caballo, and More

#11568 | 05:01
Source: Online Platforms - "Elie Saab on YouTube"

On November 13, 2024, Lebanon-based luxury fashion designer Elie Saab held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia a fashion show titled “1001 Seasons of ELIE SAAB,” marking the 45th anniversary of his fashion brand. The extravagant event featured appearances by many celebrities, including Jennifer Lopez, Celine Dion, Halle Berry, Camila Cabello, and others. This clip contains footage from the fashion show that was published by Elie Saab on YouTube.

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