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Jun 07, 2010
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MEMRI Flotilla Coverage: US Citizen Ken O'Keefe: We Used Violence in Accordance with the Principles of Mahatma Ghandi

#2509 | 01:12
Source: Press TV (Iran)

The following excerpts are from an interview with Ken O’Keefe, a US citizen on board the “Freedom Flotilla”, which aired on Press TV on June 7, 2010.

Ken O’Keefe: Those of us on that ship applied the principles of Ghandi, and I challenge everyone in this world to look at what Ghandi said, because Ghandi made clear that between cowardice and violence, he would choose violence. We acted only in violence because of self-defense. That's it.


As much as I believe in non-violence – and I so much believe in non-violence – it was right for us to defend ourselves, and to use force where necessary to defend ourselves. There is nothing wrong with that. In British-occupied India, Ghandi called for it, and people under Ghandi applied the same tactics. This is a modern-day version of Ghandi.

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