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Oct 20, 2023
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Detroit-Area Friday Sermon: Waging Jihad In The U.S. Means Inviting The Disbelievers To Islam – Many Have And Many Will Embrace Islam; Infidel Schools Are Occupying The Hearts And Minds Of Our Children, Teaching Them Transgenderism, Just Like Infidels Occupy Our Lands

#11325 | 02:58
Source: Online Platforms - "Tawheed Center on YouTube"

During an October 20, 2023 Friday sermon at the Tawheed Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan, near Detroit, the imam said that Muslims in the United States must wage Jihad by inviting "the very unbelievers that are supporting the persecution of our brothers" to embrace Islam. He said that while Jihad can indeed be through armed conflict, this is only under a certain set of circumstances that do not exist for Muslims in America, and he explained that the form of Jihad that they should wage is with their tongues and with their wealth. He also said Muslims must live up to their Quranic description of being "firm towards the disbelievers" and that they must revert to the ways of the Prophet Muhammad. In addition, he said that Muslims must not turn the hearts and minds of their youth to the infidels' civilization by sending them to schools that teach about transgenderism. The sermon was livestreamed on the Tawheed Center's YouTube channel.

Imam: "[The Quran says that the Muslims] are firm and mighty towards the disbelievers. 'They wage Jihad in the path of Allah'. They strive in the way of Allah.


"Jihad absolutely goes beyond fighting, beyond physical engagement, and the Prophet [Muhammad] said explicitly in a hadith to wage Jihad against the infidels with your wealth and your tongues. It's in my memory... [He said to wage Jihad] with your hands, your wealth, and your tongues. Strive with your hands... Obviously, that's fighting, that's legislated in very specific circumstances, and we are not in that circumstance. Note it, everybody note it – we're not in that circumstance. However, with your tongues and with your wealth...


"Where we can work with our tongues and from the greatest of the effort and the sacrifice that we can make with our tongues, is inviting to Allah in this land in which we find ourselves. Inviting the unbelievers that are supporting the persecution of our brothers, inviting them to Allah. And many of them have, and many of them will embrace Islam.


"[In] the lands that we occupy, genocide took place here, just like they're trying to do genocide in Gaza.


"You're dealing with a genocidal, Pharaonic power. If that's the case and we see the falsehood of it, how can we, as members of the nation of Muhammad, follow that civilization? How do we stick our little babies, our boys and our girls, in their schools to adopt that value system? That value system is what is attacking our brothers and sisters in Gaza right now.


"Firmness towards the disbelievers isn't [saying]: 'Okay, I'm so upset, I protest, I wave the flags, I get excited, I go up to the Capitol when something is happening in Gaza,' and then I stick my little boy or girl in school to be taught that a boy can be a girl or a girl can be a boy. And I say: 'Okay infidels, I want to settle in your land. I want what you have, enough that I'm going to turn the hearts and minds of my young people over to your civilization.'

"If this is an indication of anything, it should be an indication that it's time for the Islamic nation to come entirely back to the way of the Prophet Muhammad, and entirely back to our descriptions in the Quran of how we are towards the believers and how we are towards disbelievers.


"We may not be being bombed but the hearts and minds of our children are being occupied and we should be more concerned with an occupation by the infidels of the hearts and minds of our children, than we are concerned with their occupying [of] lands."

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