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Aug 09, 2014
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Mother to Daughter in Iraqi TV Propaganda: Our Boys Will Feed ISIS Corpses to Beasts of Prey

#4425 | 03:20
Source: Al-Eshraq TV (Iraq)

In anti-ISIS propaganda on Iraqi TV, a mother tells her daughter that ISIS militants are "barbaric creatures," "beasts," and "rats." "Our boys will hunt them down" and "feed their corpses to beasts of prey," she says to her daughter.

The propaganda was broadcast on Al-Eshraq TV on August 9, 2014.

Girl: Mummy, who are these people?

Mother: My dear girl, if you want to know who they are I will tell you. They are barbaric creatures that came from the caves of ignorance and injustice.

Girl: What are they?

Mother: Creatures that look human, but are beasts. They have no religion, no moral values, no proper behavior. All they care about is killing and destruction.

Girl: Mummy, are they really beasts?

Mother: They call themselves human beings, but they are beasts. Even beasts are more merciful. Look how they behave. They have not left a single symbol of our civilization intact – not a single tomb, a Shiite seminar, or a mosque. They destroy everything.

Girl: What do they want from us?

Mother: By God, I don’t know. They themselves don’t know what they want. Their behavior is barbaric. They want to send us back to the Middle Ages.

Girl: So they want to wreak havoc here?

Mother: Exactly. It is as if they have blood vengeance against us. All they want is to destroy this beautiful country of ours. They want to impose their law upon us.

Girl: What law is that, Mummy?

Mother: The law of the jungle, the law of animals. It is the law of ignorance, injustice, and backwardness.

Girl: But Mummy, don’t they claim to be Muslims?

Mother: They do, but Islam has nothing to do with them. Islam means peace, but these people know nothing about peace. All they care about is killing and slaughtering.

Girl: So they have no religion?

Mother: They claim it to be their own religion, but no religion has anything to do with them.

Girl: But Mummy, they are destroying our country.

Mother: They will fail. It’s beyond the power of such filthy lowlifes. They will not succeed in destroying our country so long as there are men who have vowed to sacrifice their lives for this country.

Girl: Like my father?

Mother: Yes, dear. Your father, your uncles, and our tribes. They are here. Allah willing, they will unite and drive them out of our country.

Girl: Mummy, are they like rats?

Mother: Yes, dear. They are rats. Look at them. The minute they poke their heads out of their holes, our boys will hunt them down one by one. They will feed their corpses to beasts of prey.

Girl: Mummy, don’t they have any brains?

Mother: No, they don’t. A group of people brainwashed them and brought them to Iraq, but Allah willing, Iraq will become a graveyard for their rotten corpses.

Girl: Mummy, Mummy, look. ISIS are [fleeing] like rats.

Narrator reading title on screen: ISIS terrorists have no place in Iraq.

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