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Sep 28, 2024
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Imam Usama Abdulghani in a Dearborn Memorial Service for Nasrallah: Martyrdom Is the Reward for His Jihad; Teacher Tarek Bazzi Praises Khomeini, Khamenei, Adds: His Eminence Nasrallah Was Perfect, Immaculate

#11448 | 02:44
Source: Online Platforms - "Light of Guidance on YouTube"

The Hadi Youth Community Center in Dearborn, Michigan held a memorial service for Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on September 28, 2024 which was streamed live on Light of Guidance on YouTube. Participants in the service wept audibly during the service. Imam Usama Abdulghani said that Nasrallah “is happy now,” and that his martyrdom was a “reward” from Allah for the Jihad he has waged. Teacher and activist Tarek Bazzi praised the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ruhollah Khoemieni, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and he said that “his eminence” Hassan Nasrallah was perfect and immaculate. Local Shiite poet Hassan Salamey recited a verse according to which Iran’s Leader Khamenei was protected by Allah and could not be reached by Israeli military.

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