In his January 3, 2025 Friday sermon in Yasuj, Iran, which was aired on Dena TV (Iran), Nassir Hosseini warned that Iran's enemies, the enemies of the Shiites, are like "rabid dogs" - if not confronted, they will defeat you, but if resisted, they will back down. He cited Syria as an example, claiming that when Syria's resistance wavered, the Zionist regime destroyed much of the country's military infrastructure. Hosseini also asserted that Israel used nuclear bombs in Syria, emphasizing that disunity and a lack of resistance lead to such devastating outcomes.
Nassir Hosseini: "The enemies of the Islamic Republic, the enemies of the Shiites, are like rabid dogs. If you do not fight them, they will defeat and devour you, but if you put up resistance, and yell at them, they will back down.
"A salient example of that are the sad and bitter developments in Syria today. So long as they stood their grounds and waged resistance, they enjoyed prestige, and their country was not occupied by foreigners.
"When they became sluggish, you could see all the Syrian military infrastructure being destroyed, in consecutive attacks by the Zionist regime. [Israel] even attacked some of the places there with nuclear bombs, and destroyed some Syrian military bases. One side of Syria is occupied by the Turks and the other side by the Zionists, and it is under constant bombardments. Lack of unity and resistance against the enemy leads to this result."