IRGC General Esamil Ghaani, the new commander of Qods Force, was asked by a reporter with IRIB News (Iran), on January 6, 2020 to make a promise to Soleimani, the "general of our hearts." Ghaani said the first promise is "to continue the path of the martyr Soleimani with the same determination." He said: "We will take many measures to remove the American presence from the region" and to bring about the "global rule of the Hidden Imam." The IRIB News reporter asked Ghaani for a promise of revenge, saying "this is the demand of the people." Ghaani replied that the main avenger of Soleimani's death will be God, however "obviously, some actions will be taken. "Ghaani was speaking at Tehran Airport at the arrival of Soleimani's casket.
Reporter: "Make a promise to General Soleimani, the general of our hearts. My condolences. He was your old friend and brother-in-arms."
General Esamil Ghaani: "In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate. Our first promise is to continue the path of the martyr Soleimani with the same determination and the with the help of God. We rely on God, and in his response to his martyrdom, we will take many measures to remove the American presence from the region, and we will continue the movement to bring about the global rule of the Hidden Imam. None of us will accept anything less than that. With the support of the leader, this will be achieved, inshallah."
Reporter: "General, the public also wants a promise of revenge. This is the demand of the people."
General Esamil Ghaani: "A promise of revenge... The promise to avenge his death was given by God. The main avenger is God. Obviously, some actions will be taken."