Within Our Lifetime, a NY-based pro-Palestinian organization, organized a "Day of Rage" rally against Israeli plans to annex parts of the West Bank. The event, which was called "No to Annexation," was held in Brooklyn on July 1, 2020, and the video of the event was uploaded to the organizers' Facebook page. During the rally, an activist named Jamie from the pro-North Korea Nodutdol organization told the protestors that Palestine will be liberated, that Korea will be unified, and that the U.S. and its puppet governments will be "no more." Another speaker, Amin Hosain of Decolonize This Place, an anti-gentrification movement, said that the police are the enemy and an impediment to the liberation of Palestine, and he said that when NYPD cop cars burn, a "revolutionary country" is being awakened.
Dequi Kioni Sadiki, wife of former Black Panther Seko Odinga, said that the European Jews who force Palestinians into refugee camps, concentration camps, and killing fields are related to the Europeans who forced Africans into slavery and prison death camps. She added that Palestine must be free like the stolen land of North America, which she referred to as "Turtle Island." A representative of the Puerto Rican New York Borica Resistance movement said that the police, Israel, and the U.S. government must be abolished. Nerdeen Kiswani from Within Our Lifetime said that Palestinians do not only want to return to Gaza and the West Bank, but that they want all of Palestine. Wrapped in a red flag, a man named Rob from the Party for Socialism and Liberation led the crowd in chant in Arabic: "Death to Israel! Death to America!" In addition, the crowd chanted: "Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem!... The gates of Al-Aqsa are made of iron – its gates will only be opened by a martyr... From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!... Black lives matter!... Not just annexation, not just occupation, fight for liberation – bring the whole thing down!" For more about Nerdeen Kiswani and Within Our Lifetime, see MEMRI TV clips No. 6100, No. 6311, and No. 7628.
Jamie, Nondutol Pro-North Korea Activist: "The DPRK also refuses to recognize Israel and calls it an imperialist satellite of the United States.
"I believe that within our lifetime, Palestine will be yours again and Korea will be one again! The United States of America and all of its puppet governments will be no more!"
Amin Hosain, Decolonize This Place: "The police that are around us are not our friends. You should not speak to them. They are our enemy. They are an impediment to the liberation of Palestine.
"When I saw that precinct burn, I thought I was closer to Palestine. When I see an NYPD cop car burn - I say we are waking up a revolutionary country.
"They know that we will f*cking free Palestine!"
Dequi Kioni Sadiki, wife of former Black Panther Seko Odinga: "The European Jews, who occupy, slaughter, and continue to force millions of Palestinians on to their killing fields, called refugee and concentration camps, are the relatives of the Europeans, the Spanish, the British, the Portuguese, the Irish, the Dutch, who kidnapped, slaughtered, and forced millions of Africans and indigenous on to slave ships, plantations, reservations, prison death camps, on this Turtle Island [North America].
"I know that from the River to the sea, Palestine must be free, because from every river to every sea, on this stolen land, this Turtle Island must also be free."
Activist at New York Borica Resistance: "You can't defund the police, you have got to abolish the police! You have got to abolish the Zionistic state of Israel! You have got to abolish the United States Government!"
Nerdeen Kiswani, Within Our Lifetime: "We don't want a fake Palestinian state that they give us while Israel still exists. The land that Israel exists on is still stolen. The 1948 lands are still stolen. Jaffa, Haifa, and Tel Aviv - originally named Tel Rabi'a - was stolen. We don't want to just go back to our homes in Gaza and the West Bank, we want all of it!"
Rob, Party for Socialism and Liberation: "Death to Israel!"
Crowd: "Death to Israel!"
Rob: "Death to America!"
Crowd: "Death to America!"
Leader and crowd: "With our souls and with our blood, we will redeem you, oh Palestine! From the water [of the River] to the water [of the Sea] - Palestine belongs to the Arabs!
"The gates of Al-Aqsa are made of iron - they only be opened by a martyr!
"A million martyrs are marching to Jerusalem!
"Resistance is justified, from New York to Palestine! From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!
"Black lives matter! Black lives matter!
"Intifada, Intifada! We will start an Intifada!
"No Palestinian liberation without black liberation!
"Not just annexation, not just occupation, fight for liberation - bring the whole thing down!"
Leader: "F*ck your two states!"
Crowd: "F*ck your two states!"
Speaker: "They come together and they share strategies on how to oppress us, all the time - that is why the NYPD has an office in Jerusalem. What the hell is that?"
Man: "F*ck NYPD!"
Speaker: "And Tel Aviv too!"