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Jul 18, 2014
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Charlotte, N.C. Sermon by Imam John Yahya Ederer: Israel Created as a Thorn in the Side of the Muslim World to Prevent the Muslims from Becoming a Superpower - Archival

#6465 | 02:15
Source: Online Platforms - "MAS Charlotte on YouTube "

In a Friday sermon delivered at the Muslim American Society of Charlotte, North Carolina, Imam John Yahya Ederer said that the story of the creation of Israel was not often told in America, " because of the billions of dollars, and under-the-table bank and financial and economic interests, as well as needing a thorn in the side of the Muslim world, lest they ever become another superpower." In this sermon, which was posted on the MAS Charlotte official YouTube channel on July 18, 2014, Imam Ederer said that Zionism was "a racist, belligerent, immoral, un-American, un-Torah, un-Talmudic, and antisemitic movement," and that the Zionists were trying to brainwash the Muslims with a plot to get them to hate all Jews.


Following is a transcript:

John Yahya Ederer: We came here to talk about a racist, belligerent, immoral, un-American, un-Torah, un-Talmudic, and anti-Semitic movement known as Zionism.


It started out as a group of wealthy secular… the Rothschilds. Very wealthy. They own most of all of the banks in the world today. Right? But this is the start of Zionism, with Herzl and his movement coming from Europe. So the secular Jews felt anti-Semitism, and they said: “We need a homeland”.


There is a big lie that is being said and promoted in propaganda for the Zionist state, that somehow, Muslims do not like Jews. And the Zionist state thinks they are going to make all Muslims hate Jews by doing what they are doing and then proving their point. Do not fall victim to what they are trying to brainwash you to think, because then that falls into their plan and strategy. If Muslims are going around saying: “We hate Jews”, they say: “See, that’s why they have to fight them”. You see? Be careful before you become victim to a plot that is completely against our scripture, and that is against our ideals and values as Muslims.


If you look at the independence of the United States, and how we formed our independence versus how they did, it is the exact opposite. It would be as though the British won that war. It would be as though the British won that war.

So this is the beginning of the terrible disgusting reality. Now, what is very unfortunate… We are not told this story very often here in America because of the billions of dollars and under-the-table bank and financial and economic interests, as well as needing a thorn in the side of the Muslim world, lest they ever become another superpower.


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