Jaam-E-Jam 1, the Iranian government TV channel directed at Europe, broadcast a series about the September 11 terror attack. In the episode aired on June 1, 2004, the series raised claims of Jewish and Israeli involvement in the attack. Without explanation, video clips of O.J. Simpson were shown during the show's discussion of Mossad involvement in the September 11 attack. The following is the transcript from an excerpt of the June 1 broadcast:
Narrator: Ever since the establishment of the Zionist regime, the American strategy has been under the Zionist lobby's influence. Zionism, as expressed in the Jewish Protocols, nurtures in its mind the dream of taking over the world. With Bush's rise to power, it controls the White House with greater force.
A short while before the blasts of September 11, Mercury, a local Pennsylvanian newspaper, reported that two Jews were arrested while filming the Twin Towers. At that time, Ha'aretz reported the arrest of five Israelis who had filmed the World Trade Center, a few hours before the blasts. Also, an editor in chief of an American newspaper who brought up Israel's involvement in the Twin Towers' affair was fired. Some hours after the Twin Towers were blasted, the FBI had arrested five Israelis who had planned to blow up the New York Bridge in the Manhattan and New Jersey area. Also, the absence of 4,000 Jews (working) in the Twin Towers strengthened the claim that they took a vacation on that day.
A while afterwards, a source in American military intelligence, raised details pertaining to an intelligence memo regarding Israel's espionage organization, the Mossad, and its role in the events of September 11. In fact, the claim that Israel was involved in the blasts of September 11 and used it as a basis of America's new strategy for fighting the world of Islam, disappeared in the media coverage, but world public opinion still believes this possibility.