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Dec 16, 2024
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Palestinian Authority Security Forces Spokesman Anwar Rajab on West Bank Crackdown Against Militants: We Will Confiscate the Weapons Used against the Palestinian Security Forces; This Is No Resistance

#11670 | 02:21
Source: Al-Awda TV (PA)

In a December 16, 2024 appearance on Awda TV (Palestinian Authority), Brigadier General Anwar Rajab, spokesman for the Palestinian Authority security forces, addressed the PA's crackdown on militant groups in Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp. He responded to claims that the Palestinian Authority was confiscating weapons from resistance groups, whose intended use was to fight the “occupation,” questioning whether the resistance would use their weapons against Palestinian hospitals and civilians, to steal vehicles, or to shoot at the “heroes” of the Palestinian Authority security forces. He concluded that the security forces would continue to collect these weapons, regardless of any opposition.

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