Palestinian Interior Minister Ziad Hab Al-Reeh said in an address aired by Hebron TV (Palestinian Authority) on September 11, 2024 that the Palestinian Authority does not want the destruction in Gaza to be repeated in the West Bank. He said that the PA will use all the power at its disposal to remove any "pretext" that can bring about a similar loss of life and destruction as in Gaza. The address came amid an Israeli crackdown on militant groups operating in the West Bank.
Ziad Hab Al-Reeh: "We are on the verge of very difficult times, which have not been brought about by our choices or our decisions. To cut it short, we do not want to move towards the destruction of the West Bank the same way Gaza was destroyed. We will not allow the destruction of Gaza to repeat itself in the West Bank.
"Some people think that we are heading towards a new political stage, and therefore, they are making significant fundamental preparations... But let me tell you – we will not allow this, at any level, no matter the price. I personally receive complaints from many provinces, about gangs being formed. The existence of gangs runs counter to our national enterprise, and to our existence [as the Palestinian Authority].
"We will use all the power at our disposal to remove the pretexts for a repetition of the Gaza model.
"We will use all the power at our disposal to remove the pretexts, in order to prevent the loss of life among our people, and also to avoid any danger to our infrastructure. We will not allow the plot to expand [the Israeli attacks] to the rest of the cities in the West Bank. They acted against the infrastructure in some of the cities in the northern West Bank in preparation for the next stage – wide scale and indiscriminate bombardment of the entire population. We will use all the power at our disposal, in keeping with our instructions from the political levels and our interests, to prevent its expansion to the rest of the provinces."