The Hamas TV children's show "Pioneers of Tomorrow" recently hosted a young Palestinian girl, who recited a poem to commemorate the Nakba. "I shall buy a bullet, at any price," proclaimed Zahra Zaed, and Nahoul, the giant bee character co-hosting the show, cried words of encouragement. The show aired on Al-Aqsa TV on May 16.
Following is an excerpt:
Child TV host: Will you recite another poem for us – "The Bullet"?
Giant bee Nahoul: That's great. How wonderful, Zahra.
Zahra: I shall walk barefoot.
I shall walk in the pouring rain.
Through thorns, despite the fire,
Despite the pain...
I shall buy a bullet, at any price.
They dispersed my family,
They ripped apart my books,
And they stole my smile.
Do not ask me what there is between me and them.
Between me and them, there are wars and bloodshed.
So I shall buy a bullet, at any price.
I shall buy a bullet, at any price.