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Aug 15, 2024
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West Bank Palestinian Terrorist 'Abu Shujaa', Commander Of The Tulkarm Brigade: I Salute The Resistance Axis From Tehran, Sanaa, Hizbullah; The Al-Aqsa Flood War Proved That The People Of Gaza Are Capable Of Terminating The State Of Israel

#11324 | 03:40
Source: Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Jaber "Abu Shujaa," the commander of the Tulkarm Brigade who survived an assassination attempt by Israel in April, said in an August 15, 2024 interview with Mayadeen TV (Lebanon) that the Al-Aqsa Flood War "has proved to everyone that the people of Gaza are capable of terminating the State of Israel." He said that the factions in the West Bank have learned their perseverance, resistance, and morale from the people of Gaza. Abu Shujaa said that it is "no big deal" whether he is assassinated because just like he came along, new generations will complete his path. He saluted "all our fighters, all the brigades, the Al-Majdoub Brigade of the Al-Quds Brigades," as well as "the resistance axis - from Sanaa to Tehran – in south Lebanon, and in the Dahia suburb."

Abu Shujaa: "The people of Gaza are living their lives like in the days of the prophets. Our perseverance, our resistance, our morale – we have learned it all from the people and fighters of Gaza. The war has been going for ten months, but the fighters are still innovative on the battlefield.

"The Al-Aqsa Flood war has proved to everybody that the people of Gaza are capable of terminating the State of Israel. The people of Gaza all by themselves are capable of terminating the State of Israel.

"They failed to assassinate me more than twice. Three or four times. The [Israeli] operation targeted me specifically. But it is no big deal. Whether they assassinate me or anyone else things will continue as they are. They sing songs and say that they assassinated me, thinking that they got rid of me, but this is not the case.

"If all the countries were dependent on one man, they would all be shaken, and I am not talking just about Palestine, but also about Iran and all the countries. They do not depend on one person. There are generations. Just like I came along and became active, the new generations will complete the path I was following.

"I salute and respect all our fighters, all the brigades, the Al-Majdoub Brigade of the Al-Quds Brigades May Allah have mercy upon their martyrs who fell in the Al-Aqsa Flood war. I also salute the entire resistance axis – from Sanaa to Tehran – in south Lebanon, and in the Dahia suburb. I also send all my love and respect to Hassan Nasrallah 'Abu Hadi.'"

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