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Jul 31, 2024
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Head Of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei's Academic Think Tank, Alireza Panahian, Following Assassination Of Hamas Leader Haniyeh: Israel Is Coming To An End; Zionists Have No Peace, Iranian Missiles Will Annihilate Them Forever

#11292 | 01:49
Source: Channel 3 (Iran)

Alireza Panahian head of Khamenei's Ammar think tank for universities discussed Iran's response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in a July 31, 2024 interview with Channel 3 (Iran). He said that he is sure that this is the last nail in the Zionists' coffin. Panahian added that they have no peace and cannot sleep. He said that Iranian missiles will annihilate them forever. He stated that Israel is coming to an end, the days of Western support for it are over, and the era for Iranian dominance in the region has arrived.

Alireza Panahian: "Every honest international spectator admits that the Zionist regime is coming to an end."

Interviewer: "They admit this themselves."

Panahian: "The days of Western support are over. The era of regional dominance of the believers, with the Iranians at the forefront, has arrived. The [believers] have to be accepted as a power.


"They cannot recognize their own demise. They need to be dealt bigger blows. This delay in recognition is very costly.


"This story involves our honor. This is no longer only about Gaza, it is about Iran's security.


"When your enemies are dumb, you have to bare your teeth even more and further demonstrate your power, for them to see. Because they are stupid, they think that they can hit you. They come and hit you a few times, so you have to keep an eye [on them]. If you show restraint..."

Interviewer: "There will be another hit."


Panahian: "I really hope that this is the last nail in the Zionists' coffin."

Interviewer: "Inshallah."

Panahian: "I am sure this is the case."

Interviewer: "Inshallah."

Panahian: "They cannot sleep and have no peace. Iranian missiles and plans will rid them of their delusions."

Interviewer: "Inshallah."

Panahian: "They will annihilate them forever."

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