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Aug 28, 2024
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Philippine Secretary Of Defense Gilberto Teodoro Jr.: China Is The Biggest Disruptor Of Peace In The Region

#11368 | 01:22
Source: Online Platforms - "Manila Bulletin Online on YouTube"

Philippine Secretary of Defense Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said in a video posted to YouTube by the Manila Bulletin Online on August 28, 2024 that China is the biggest disruptor of international peace in Asia. He said that the solution to this problem is "stronger collective multilateral action" against China, particularly in light of its recent actions in the South China Sea.

Gilberto Teodoro Jr: "In this region, China – although without saying it, and I'll say it for you – is the biggest disruptor of international peace in the ASEAN region.

"The antidote is a stronger collective multilateral action against China. And that is for our diplomats and other responsible officials to determine. Why, with me, I'm concentrating on getting our defense department capability-wise up to speed.


"ASEAN, slowly, we are getting some consensus and conferences like this you saw the ASEAN attendance. They are paying attention, and ASEAN, to remain relevant and credible, cannot continue to ignore what China is doing in the South China Sea."

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