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Jan 09, 2010
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Play Aired by PA TV Lauds Child Martyrdom, Portrays Jews with Stereotypical Antisemitic Characteristics

#2426 | 03:27
Source: Palestinian Authority TV

The following are excerpts from an antisemitic Palestinian play which lauds child martyrdom. The play aired on Palestinian Authority TV on January 10, 2010.


Jew: Your child in exchange for the house. One for the other.

Palestinian man: Are you authorized [to cut a deal]?

Jew: No, no. Absolutely not. You can call it an initiative by a do-gooder. No more.

Palestinian man: A do-gooder?

Palestinian woman: Get out of the house! Get out!

Jew: A house can be compensated for, but a child... Think about it. Think about it carefully, and let me know what you've decided. You may find me in the nearby Talmud institute.

Palestinian woman: A house can be compensated for, but a child... You sons of bitches!

Chorus: A house can be compensated for, but a child cannot.

A house can be compensated for, but a child cannot.

A house can be compensated for, but a child cannot.

A house can be compensated for, but a child cannot.

A child can be compensated for, but a house cannot. No, it can't.

A child can be compensated for, but a house cannot. No, it can't.

A child can be compensated for, but the homeland cannot. No, it can't.

Alaa will be compensated for.

Mari'I will be compensated for.

Yahya, Elias, Zahara, and Firas – they will all be compensated for.

They will all be compensated for.

But the Canaanite olive tree cannot be compensated for.

Your land in its entirety, oh Palestine, cannot be compensated for.

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