On July 26, 2020, the Pro-ISIS Al-Hayat Media Center uploaded an animated video titled "Incite the Believers" to its Telegram channel. The narrator called upon Muslims living in non-Muslim lands to avenge their Muslim brothers using whatever weapons are available to them and to carry out Jihad and terror attacks, the video showed various kinds of weapons, including knives and firearms. The narrator said that Muslims should use commonly available items to carry out their attacks and specifically giving the example of fire. He elaborated that fires such as forest fires have killed many non-Muslims and caused hundreds of millions of dollars of damage. He encouraged Muslims to start fires in a fashion that doesn’t draw attention to themselves and to dispose of all forms of evidence as they leave. The video urged viewers to set fire to forests, factories, agricultural fields, and buildings. The video showed a man marking a location in California on a map to set ablaze.
Narrator: "My brothers, all Muslims in every place, under the rule of any sect of kufr, we know that you aspire to avenge for your brothers - who the kuffar and murtadeen [apostates] bombed with their fire and destroyed their cities and villages and imprisoned them in their jails. You look around yourself and you do not find in your hand a weapon that you can use to subdue the enemy of Allah. We know that you are eager to fulfill what your lord, the mighty, the great giver has commanded you from jihad against the mushrikeen [polytheists] and instilling fear in their chests through various methods of terrorism and infuriating them, healing the hearts of the believers. But you cannot find a way to achieve that. The criminals have prevented you from making hijrah [emigrating] to the fields of jihad and the people of the battlefront, and we are sure that if you knew how and found a weapon, you will not delay in fulfilling your duty to support the Muslims and do jihad against the mushrikeen.
"You look around yourself again, keeping an eye [out] for a solution and not searching for a problem. You take in your hand all the means to kill and destroy and consider what you can use easily and without drawing attention to yourself and making the result be death, destruction, and heavy losses to your enemies; yes, my brother, it is that weapon that is in reach of every hand, and even children are proficient in using it. And people have used it since ancient times to harm their enemies. Yes, it is fire.
"To become more convinced of this option, try looking at the losses caused by fires in the lands of the Crusaders every year. Fires in every forest and fields, cities and villages completely destroyed, people displaced, armies of firefighters and civil defense personnel are working continuous days to no avail. The disaster does not stop there, but causes hundreds of millions of dollars in losses sometimes. And look at the human losses caused by fires among the kuffar; sometimes, they exceed the numbers of those lost in major strikes by the mujahideen in which they used guns and explosives. Now, rise up and start working.
"After putting your trust in Allah, the great, truly consider the results of what you intend to do. You will need to monitor well for a place you can set a fire without drawing attention. Consider that the fire you will set after your withdrawal from the place will be so great, that the efforts made to extinguish it will cost your enemies greatly and perhaps they will not be able to put it out. To expand and consume fertile and dry land, their profits will be destroyed and their lives lost. On your way back from the place of your blessed attack, safely dispose of all that can be used as evidence that it is you who lit that fire. Perhaps they will be suspicious about you, monitoring your locations. But, there's no evidence you intended to [do] that, and nothing with which to hold you accountable for it, except for matchsticks or a lighter, where the pocket is nearly empty of them. Trust in Allah and proceed in this matter. Remember that the longevity of an act is sometimes more important than its strength or what was announced about it. Do not be hasty in goodness, because something is better than that. Invade for the sake of Allah, and seek help from Allah. We ask Allah to help you, give you recompense, and bless your jihad."