On February 20, 2023, the Afghan Taliban Interior Ministry’s General Command of Police Special Units posted to its YouTube channel a video titled "On the Path of Martyrdom." The video shows Taliban fighters equipped with advanced combat gear standing in formation, driving armored Humvees bearing Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan flags, and training in shooting, small-unit tactics, urban combat, explosive breaching, and anti-tank weaponry. A narrator speaks about how these fighters choose the path of martyrdom, which he said is "sweeter [than] all the material pleasures of the world" and "better [than] a peaceful life at home and spending sweet moments with wife and children," so that they can meet Allah in Paradise and defend the honor, independence, and freedom of the Muslims. He added: "We target [the] enemies of Islam and the country everywhere [and] we mix their soil and blood together in a very short time."
Commander: "Are you ready for your duties?"
Fighters: "Yes!"
Narrator: "We are those sacrificing youth who have stepped on the glorious path of martyrdom. We have taken our precious lives in our hands to trade with Allah SWT and gain His pleasure. We have chose this path consciously and from the bottom of our hearts because we know that the end of this path is meeting with Allah Almighty and traveling to the gardens of Paradise on the wings of birds.
"The path that we long [for] Allah SWT to give us life in it a thousand times and sacrifice it back to Him each time. Martyrdom is sweeter to us than all[,] this taste is sweeter to me than all the material pleasures of the world. Martyrdom is better for us than a peaceful life at home and spending sweet moments with wife and children.
"We are the sacrificing youth who see freedom and justice in the shadow of shining swords and we have come on the path of Allah SWT to free the servants of Allah SWT from the slavery of rebellious oppressors of the time and to enter them in them in the slavery of Allah SWT under the shadow of Islam.
"Accepting martyrdom is the cause of protecting our honor, independence, and freedom. This is the path to protect the honor and dignity of the Muslims. We are like the fearless hawks of the heights of freedom and independence, who does not rest anywhere except under the shadow of the shari'a. Our fierce and sharp vision targets the enemies of Islam and the country everywhere. We descend upon them like the punishment of Allah SWT, and we mix their soil and blood together in a very short time."