In a Friday, April 7, 2023 sermon in Rafah, Gaza, Hamas official Sheikh Dr. Hamad Al-Regeb prayed for Allah to bring annihilation and paralysis upon the Jews and to "enable" the Muslims to "get to" the Jews’ necks. He said that the Jews are "filthy animals" and "brothers of apes and pigs" who spread corruption, injustice, and evil at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Dr. Al-Regeb said that the Jews will only be defeated with weapons and by inflicting terror – and not by praying – and he declared that all Muslims and Arabs should prepare for the day when they will heed a call to arms. Praising martyrdom, he added: "What could be more beautiful than ending your life by dying for the sake of Allah?" He also prayed for Allah to kill all atheists and polytheists and to not leave "a single one of them" alive. The video of the sermon was posted to the YouTube account of the Al-Abrar Mosque.
Sheikh Dr. Hamad Al-Regeb: "We see the hordes of foreigners, the brothers of apes and pigs, spread corruption, injustice, and evil [at the Al-Aqsa Mosque].
"According to the tradition, [the Jews] killed 70 of the Israelite prophets in one hour during the daytime, and they did not even close their markets.
"[Allah] transformed them into filthy, ugly animals like apes and pigs because of the injustice and evil they had brought about.
"How can we defeat the enemy? Unfortunately, some beloved preachers in different corners of the Earth, do not understand what defeating the enemy means for us.
"Can we defeat the enemy with spiritual and religious education? Can we defeat the enemy only by praying in the mosques?
"We will defeat the enemy with weapons, oh esteemed people. We will defeat the enemy by inflicting fear and terror upon it. We will defeat the enemy by training men. All the Palestinians and Muslims should make preparations. They should prepare for a day when they will heed a call to arms.
"We will pay no attention to the price, no matter how high. Are they trying to intimidate us with killing? What can possibly taste better than martyrdom? What can be more beautiful than ending your life by dying for the sake of Allah?
"Napoleon Bonaparte conquered and destroyed many countries, but you should all memorize his famous words: 'My hopes were shattered on your walls, oh Acre.' Then came the British, but they did not stay long, and today the turn of the Jews has come.
"Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the Jews. Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the Jews. Paralyze them, destroy their entity, tear them apart, bring upon them a terrible punishment. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews.
"Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the infidels, atheists, and polytheists. Count them, kill them one by one, and do not leave a single one of them alive."