Following are excerpts from an interview with Ramadhan Al-Faytouri, PR director of NGO of families of children allegedly infected with AIDS by Bulgarian nurses. The interview aired on Dubai TV on August 31, 2006.
Presenter: Fear, horror, and dismay are visible on the faces of over 400 children with [AIDS], and twenty mothers who have to live with this terrible tragedy, the protagonists of which fell into the claws of this accursed disease, known as "the plague of this era." This disease is generally transmitted through negligence, ignorance, or foul play. Foul play was the main aspect of the case of the Bulgarian [nurses], who were sentenced to death. This sentence was later overruled, and this angered the [victims'] families, which broke the barrier of silence and raised their voices, by means of an association that they formed when they discovered that their children had been infected with AIDS in late 1998. They demanded that the punishment decreed by Allah be implemented on the suspects of both sexes.
Dear viewers, to discuss this subject, we have with us Ramadhan Al-Faytouri, the PR director of the association for the AIDS-afflicted children in Benghazi.
Ramadhan Al-Faytouri: Saleh was born in 1998, and was admitted to hospital because of a minor chest problem. He was injected with AIDS, and since his mother was still nursing him, she contracted the disease and died. Out of the twenty mothers, she was the only Egyptian national. This proves that this not an anti-Libyan act, but was directed against the nation of Islam. These children were attacked only because they were Muslims. Unfortunately, this is how our enemy...
Presenter: In other words, these children... Not only was this act abominable, but there was no knowing if these children were infected with AIDS or not, and they would return to their families, and might infect their mothers, brothers, and other relatives, especially since in Libya, you have extended families that live together.
Ramadhan Al-Faytouri: I am the guardian of my sister.
She entered hospital with a heart problem, and this is her admission document. This document proves that "according to epidemiological studies, the above-mentioned child contracted the virus while in hospital." The hospital verifies that she was infected while in hospital, and she was not sick before.
If whoever infected this girl wanted to kill her, he would have killed her with poison. But their purpose was to spread this plague in this city and this people. Our enemy is fighting us. In Palestine, it is striking our children with missiles, in Iraq, it uses destruction, in Egypt, it uses cancer, and in Libya it uses the AIDS virus. Our enemy does not sleep, but I am sad to say that we do. The war against Islam continues, as was evident in the recent publications that mocked the Prophet Muhammad. This is a war, just as they wanted it to be.