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Nov 30, 2024
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Friday Sermon In Rasht, Iran By Rasoul Falahati: Signing The NPT Was A Mistake; Iran Should Obtain A Nuclear Bomb In Order To Sow Fear In The Hearts Of The World's Infidel Leaders

#11620 | 02:23
Source: Baran TV (Iran)

In his November 29, 2024 Friday sermon on Baran TV in Rasht, Iran, Rasoul Falahati, Khamenei’s representative in Gilan Province, criticized Iran’s decision to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), calling it a mistake. He emphasized that Iran "has no choice" but to strengthen its deterrence capabilities, urging the country to develop nuclear weapons to instill fear in the hearts of "infidel" world leaders. Falahati also pointed out that Iran already possesses the technology and resources needed to build such weapons.

Rasoul Falahati: "The Islamic Republic [of Iran] has no choice but to bolster its power of deterrence. Our nuclear energy... At one point, they did not allow us to enrich nuclear fuel, and lowered our level of enrichment from 19% to 4.8%. Today, Allah be praised, we have reached the 60% mark. They reduced the number of our centrifuges, and we increased it again. They need to know what we know... The statemen of the Islamic Republic know that in today's world, the more forcefully we speak to the world's leaders, the more progress we will make.

"You need to know that it is not inconceivable that the Islamic Republic will also decide to obtain the power of deterrence that you possess. Everybody knows that you cannot enforce this. I am talking about having a nuclear bomb.


"In the long run, [the Iranians] will not tolerate a situation where you attack the nations of the world just because you have the means of deterrence. Iran will not tolerate this. One day, [our] patience will run out, and all at once... We have all the means: The power, the technology, the equipment... Our young people have it all. On that day, you will no longer... I have said it time and again. The day that the Islamic Republic and its leaders signed the NPT... Iran should not have signed it. We handed them an ace.

"We need to win ten times and lose once, not lose ten times and win once. And at the end, we got nothing. I hope that the day will come when the Islamic Republic also decides to use this deterrent power – I mean to have a nuclear bomb – in order to sow fear in the hearts of the world's infidel leaders, inshallah."

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