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Jan 25, 2013
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Released Lebanese Terrorist Samir Al-Quntar Calls to Kill Collaborators with Israel

#3740 | 01:38
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Following are excerpts from a statement made by released Lebanese terrorist Samir Al-Quntar, which aired on Al-Manar TV on January 26, 2013:


Samir Al-Quntar: When it comes to the collaborators, there is no room for values or anything. I am the son of the Islamic resistance, and I say, loud and clear, in its name, that the great mistake committed by the Islamic resistance is its lenient treatment of collaborators. We are paying the price for this now, and we will continue to pay it for generations to come.






A collaborator released by a judge must be killed. People from the younger generation who care about the resistance should take the imitative. If the state is too lenient, and says: You can take $60,000 from Israel, and then spend two years in prison... The young men who care about the future of the resistance should take action. If a judge releases [the collaborator] Qazzi – this Qazzi should be found the next day dead on the beach. The same goes for Faiz Karam, about whose release little has been said, and for Al-Homsi. A few days after their release, the government should find them dead somewhere.



Moderator: Is this a call to kill them?



Samir Al-Quntar: Of course it is. These people are collaborators.





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