Russian Ambassador to Iraq Elbrus Kutrashev said in an October 18, 2024 interview on Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq) that Russia advocates for peace in the Middle East and will not participate in any combat operations, particularly since nobody is coordinating strikes in the region with Russia. He bemoaned the fact that Russia has been subjected to international pressure and sanctions due to "fabricated" massacres it has carried out in Ukraine, but that no measures have been taken or demands made to impose sanctions against the "well-known perpetrators" of the "actual war crimes and genocide" that are being committed "in plain sight" in the Gaza Strip. Kutrashev also said that Russia's Western partner has turned into a Western enemy and that Europe is not a "pole" of its own in a multipolar world order but rather a servant of the United States.
Elbrus Kutrashev: "Russia is advocating peace [in the Middle East], and inshallah, it will not participate in combat operations, such as carrying out strikes and so on, because no party in the region is coordinating these strikes with us. We are not taking part in this war, thank God.
"From the beginning of the events in Gaza, we wondered how come Russia was blamed for the fabricated massacres in Ukraine, without presenting a clear picture, investigation results, or anything... This led to increased pressure on Russia, and the whole world set into action. At the same time, [in Gaza], we witness actual war crimes and genocide being committed, in front of the cameras and eyewitnesses in plain sight, yet these is no reaction or hysteria in the Western media. No measures are being taken by Western leaders, demanding to impose sanctions on the well-known perpetrators of the crimes.
"We want equal and balanced relations, and nothing more. Unfortunately, over time, the Western partner has turned into a Western enemy."
Interviewer: "Who do you mean by 'Western partner'? The United States or its European allies?"
Kutrashev: "They all belong to the same gang."
Interviewer: "Same gang..."
Kutrashev: "Yes. In our analysis and assessment of the global situation, we considered Europe to be one of the poles [in the multi-polar world] – an economic pole, a political pole, and even an aspiring military pole... It later turned out that all of this was a mistake. It became clear that Europe is not a pole, but a servant of America. So when we talk about 'the West,' we mean the United States, and all the countries that it is leading into Hell."