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Jan 10, 2017
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Saudi Cleric Awadh Al-Qarni: 9/11 Was "Fabricated", the West Exploits and Utilizes Terrorism in Islamic Countries

#5878 | 01:32
Source: Al-Majd TV (Saudi Arabia)

Saudi cleric Sheikh Awadh Al-Qarni said that 9/11 had been "premeditated, fabricated, and calculated," and that the towers had been toppled by a controlled explosion. Speaking on the Saudi Al-Majd TV channel on January 10, Sheikh Al-Qarni said that "it is in the West's interest for terrorism to continue in the Islamic countries, so that it can exploit and utilize it."


Awadh Al-Qarni: "We [Saudi Arabia] are the most experienced and ideologically-rooted nation when it comes to fighting terrorism. There is no other nation like us. For us, it is a matter of religion and belief. Another thing that I would like to say about terrorism is that, like any other social phenomenon, it has objective reasons. The West deals with the consequences, not with the causes."


Interviewer: "On purpose?"


Awadh Al-Qarni: "On purpose! It is in the West's interest for [terrorism] to continue. This terrorism does not pose an existential threat to the West and its countries. 3,000 Americans were killed in a certain operation. All the accumulated evidence proves that the operation was premeditated, fabricated, and calculated. It's not me who says this. Noam Chomsky said this, and recently, a Western scientific engineering institute has said that the towers were toppled by a controlled explosion. In a nutshell, it is in the West's interest for terrorism to continue in the Islamic countries, so that it can exploit and utilize it."


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