Following are excerpts from an interview with Saudi Prince Turki Bin Bandar Aal Saud, which aired on Al-Alam TV on March 18, 2011:
Turki Bin Bander Aal Saud: Let's assume that the Saudi forces entered [Bahrain] to defend the regime. Who are they defending it against and who exactly are they defending? That is the question. Why do they want Saudi, UAE, Qatari, or Kuwaiti forces to move in? In addition, they began to attack the demonstrators, who were not armed or anything.
Then Bahraini TV, which only a week ago called for dialogue, shamelessly announced: "We have cleansed the squares." Cleansed?! Are we talking about filth, or what? We are talking about citizens. Is this the kind of dialogue you wanted to conduct? Nobody answers this question.
With regard to the Saudi forces in general, I don't know for sure, but I interpret this as stemming from fear.