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May 19, 2020
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Senior Hizbullah Official Hashim Safi Al-Din: Israel Will Not Last 25 Years

#8011 | 00:57
Source: Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

Hashim Safi Al-Din, the Head of Hizbullah’s Executive Council, said in a May 19, 2020 interview on Mayadeen TV (Lebanon) that Israel will cease to exist within 25 years.

Host: "Do you believe that Israel will continue to exist for another 72 years?"

Hashim Safi Al-Din: "Absolutely not. In our opinion, this is settled. Israel will not be able to continue to exist the way it has over the last few decades. It will not be able to survive for many years the way it is."


Host: "So Israel will not last for 72 years more."

Al-Din: "It will not last for 50 or even 25 years."

Host: "That's a lot less than 72..."

Al-Din: "It will not last even 25 years."

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