In a weekend show devoted to Trump's inauguration day, senior Russian TV host Dmitri Kisiliov said that "Michelle, standing in her short-sleeved dress next to Melania, looked as if she were Melania's housekeeper, who had just taken off her white apron and was present there for no known reason." The show aired on Russia 1 on January 22.
Dmitri Kisiliov: "Of course nobody neglects to cover the new First Lady of the U.S. Melania has come to replace Michelle. It is her debut too and we must admit that it was a success. She began with a very spectacular blue outfit in the inauguration ceremony continued with a white dress with bare shoulders at the celebration ball, and concluded with a close-fitting black double-breasted coat for the church sermon. Let me remind you that the fashion designer working for the White House mistress refused, in political protest, to provide her services to Melania Trump. I don't remember the designer’s name, but anyway, nobody cares anymore. After all, on Trump’s Inauguration Day, Michelle, standing in her short-sleeved dress standing next to Melania, looked as if she were Melania's housekeeper, who had just taken off her white apron and was present there for no known reason. Or do you have any other association?"