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May 27, 2007
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Sheik Shaker Al-'Absi, Leader of the Fath Al-Islam Organization in the Nahr Al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon: The Sunnis Will Be the Spearhead of the Fight against the Jews, Americans, and Their Supporters

#1461 | 53
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following are excerpts from a video-recording by Shaker Al-'Absi, Leader of "Fath Al-Islam," which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on May 27, 2007.

Shaker Al-'Absi: We have not threatened Lebanon's security. The people who are threatening the security of Lebanon are those who take pride in their record, which is full of black crimes against humanity. To those who blabber about the attack against the army, we say that he who attacked both the army and us is one and the same. It is... It committed the heinous crime in Tripoli recently, which resulted in the burning of 17 lions of monotheism.


To you who follow the American plan, we say that the Sunnis will be the spearhead in the fighting against the Jews, the Americans, and their supporters.

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