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Aug 06, 2012
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Shiite Extremists in London Celebrate the Day the Prophet Muhammad's Wife 'Aisha Died

#3544 | 01:31
Source: Online PlatformsFadak TV (U.K.)

On August 6, 2012, the U.K.-based Fadak TV channel broadcast a festival held in London, in which Shiites celebrated the day on which 'Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, died. During the celebration, children sang chants of "'Aisha is in Hell!" and U.K.-based Kuwaiti cleric Abdallah Al-Khalaf congratulated the celebrants on "the joyous occasion of wreaking vengeance upon the oppressors."

Following are excerpts

Celebrators (chanting): 'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!


Young man: Are you happy?

Boys (in unison): Yes.

Young man: Why?

Boys (in unison): Because 'Aisha is in Hell.

Young man: What do you sing today?

Boys (chanting): 'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!

'Aisha is in Hell!


UK-based Kuwaiti cleric Abdallah Al-Khalaf: May Allah make our days and yours joyous. We congratulate you on this joyous occasion of taking vengeance upon the oppressors, the occasion on which the Imams are happy at [the death of] the slayer of Allah's Prophet Muhammad, that criminal and sinner 'Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr, may Allah curse her.


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