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Jul 12, 2024
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Orange County, California Friday Sermon By Shi'ite Islamic Scholar Hossein Al-Qazwini: We Are Sick And Tired Of Democrats; Liberals Wage War Against The Family Unit, Promote Homosexuality, Ruin And Brainwash Our Children, And Give Israel A Free Pass; The West Is Becoming Too Difficult To Live In, Especially For Muslims; U.S. Muslims Must Remain Uncommitted And Vote For Whoever Caters To Us The Most

#11286 | 02:35
Source: Online Platforms - "Islamic Educational Center of Orange County on YouTube"

On Friday, July 12, 2024, Shi'ite Islamic scholar Hossein Al-Qazwini delivered a guest sermon at the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County in which he said that liberals in the U.S. are destroying traditional family values, promote homosexuality, and give Israel a free pass to commit genocide in Gaza. On the subject of whether U.S. Muslims should participate in elections, he said that they should vote for the candidates who cater to them the most or who are the least bad option, so that politicians understand that the Muslim vote matters, like they did in Michigan in 2020. Al-Qazwini is a professor of Islamic jurisprudence at the Islamic Seminary in Karbala, Iraq.

Hossein Al-Qazwini: "Today there are some that are saying: 'We are sick and tired of liberals. We are sick and tired of democrats. We've had enough. Enough is enough.' They have waged a war against the family unit, the family structure that we know, of a man and a woman. Today they are waging a war against the family unit. They are teaching our children that a family can be comprised of a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. They are ruining our children. They are brainwashing our kids.

"In addition to the fact that they have given a free pass to Israel, without condemnation of their atrocities and their genocide. Things are getting out of hand when liberals are in control and authority is in the hands of the democrats and the liberals. The West is becoming too difficult to live in, especially for Muslim families, for kids, and for children.


"One perspective says that we should shift from liberals to conservatives. Muslims should vote conservative.


"The second perspective says that we need to continue voting liberal.


"A third perspective says that we should not participate in elections at all.


"Do we think that politicians will care for us any longer? They will cater to us? They will try to win our votes? No. When we don't vote, we lose. But if we show them that the Muslim vote matters.


"Just like in the 2020 elections, when the Muslim community in Michigan played a role in the U.S. election.


"No, we should vote. But we should be uncommitted. Sometimes we vote this way, sometimes we vote that way. Whoever caters to us the most.


"We are already supporting them by paying taxes. At least go out and vote. And [when] there are two horrible choices, choose the least horrible. I'm not telling you they are great. There are horrible choices. But there is horrible, and there is more horrible. There is evil, and there is more evil."

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