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Oct 21, 2024
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Senior Hamas Official Osama Hamdan: No One Has Seen Pictures Of The Holocaust Or What Happened In Auschwitz, Whereas We See What The Zionist Neo-Nazis Are Doing In Northern Gaza On Live TV; It Is A Crime Unseen In The History Of Mankind

#11499 | 00:58
Source: Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV (Egypt)

In an October 21, 2024 appearance on Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar), Osama Hamdan of the Hamas political bureau stated that no one has ever seen pictures of the Holocaust, nor what happened at Auschwitz. Whereas, in contrast, he said that everyone can see what the "Zionist neo-Nazis" are doing in northern Gaza on live TV. He continued to claim that "what is happening in the northern Gaza Strip is a crime unseen in the history of Mankind."

Osama Hamdan: "The whole world is talking about the Holocaust perpetrated by Hitler, even though no one has seen any pictures of it. The world is talking about the Auschwitz camp, even though nobody has seen what happened in that camp. Today, however, we see what the Zionist neo-Nazis are doing in the northern Gaza Strip, on live TV. Nevertheless, the world seems to be deaf, dumb, and blind, and cannot do anything in the face of this crime. The world does not prevent the occupation from doing this.


"I say this loud and clear. What is happening in northern Gaza Strip is a crime unseen in the history of Mankind."

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