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Jan 28, 2016
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Syrian Actor Duraid Lahham: Khamenei Has Holiness in His Soul; Long Live Iran

#5294 | 01:04
Source: Online Platforms

In a recent address, renowned Syrian actor and director Duraid Lahham hailed Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, saying: "There is holiness in your soul." The address was posted on the Internet on January 28, 2016.

Duraid Lahham: "Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Guide of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, there is holiness in your soul, there is hope in your eyes, your hands are full of work, and your words are to be complied with. The holiness of our soil was increased when some of your men ascended from it to Heaven. We give you the love, appreciation, and admiration of a steadfast people and a strong army. Long live Iran. Long live Syria."

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