Following are excerpts from a debate on the Syrian civil war, which was aired on the Al-Jazeera network on April 15, 2013:
Abd Al-Jalil Al-Said, former media director for the Syrian Fatwa Council: I met with U.S. Senator Robert Casey a few days ago. He was on a visit to Turkey, and he asked to meet me and another Syrian activist. He explicitly told me that the reports they had received, according to which the members of the Nusra Front were not Syrians, have misled the U.S. administration.
Moderator: An American said that?
Abd Al-Jalil Al-Said: This was Senator Robert Casey.
Moderator: I’m warning you, you’re going on record.
Abd Al-Jalil Al-Said: I’m saying it to the media. Moreover, the American decision-makers themselves said – and this has been admitted by the U.S. ambassador and recorded in the media – that some U.S.-allied countries, whose information came from the Syrian intelligence, misled them with regard to the Nusra Front, and that in fact, most members of the Nusra Front are indeed Syrians, and do not believe in the Al-Qaeda ideology. They are fighters. This is clear. The Americans have admitted this themselves.
Give my regards to your gang, and tell them to cover their heads with their hands, because the F.S.A. will trample you underfoot. You need to be cleansed of the filth of the regime.
He then pours his glass of water over the other studio guest, Ahmad Mousalli, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut
You need to be cleansed, live on air. Accursed is the generation that gets its education from a beast like you.
Moderator: Dear viewers, goodbye. To guests: This is unacceptable.
Ahmad Mousalli: You are an animal – you and your parents. To hell with you, you son-of-a-bitch.
Abd Al-Jalil Al-Said: You need to be cleansed of the filth…
Ahmad Mousalli: To hell with your father, you son of a whore.
Moderator: No, don’t…
Ahmad Mousalli: Your sister…