The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon, which aired on Al-Shariqa TV on July 15, 2005.
Preacher: How is Islam supported by spilling the blood of civilians throughout the world - In Afghanistan and Iraq, New York and Madrid, Casablanca and Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and recently in London, by these criminals who have left the community of Muslims, and who falsely pretend to belong to Islam. How is Islam supported by kidnapping journalists and workers, truck drivers and medical staff, and displaying them in the media as they are butchered like sheep? Did Islam command this? Absolutely not. Therefore, we must condemn such evil and sinful deeds. We must condemn the killing of innocents, the destruction of cultures and annihilation of civilizations, and the spreading of fear among peaceful souls, especially, brothers, when it is done in the name of Islam, and in defense of Muslims causes. What image do they want Islam to have?