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Nov 04, 2024
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Turkish Pro-ISIS Preacher Osman Akın, Following His Release from Prison: Allah Commands Us to Wage Jihad; The Disbelievers Attack Muslims Again and Again, We Do Not Accept This

#11604 | 01:43
Source: Online Platforms - "the Ahlak ve Sünnet Magazine on YouTube"

On November 4, 2024, the Ahlak ve Sünnet Magazine YouTube channel uploaded a video of a sermon delivered by pro-ISIS Turkish preacher Osman Akın, also known as Mamoste Osman El-Kurdi. Akın had been arrested in May 2023 during an anti-ISIS crackdown by Turkish authorities, and he was released from prison in May 2024. During his sermon, Akın said that Allah has commanded the Muslims to wage Jihad, he condemned the disbelievers for attacking Muslim societies, and he condemned Muslims who work alongside these disbelievers.

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