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Sep 11, 2024
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UAE Academic Abdulkhaleq Abdulla: The Gulf Countries Are Leading The Arab Nation; They Are The Only Arab Countries Capable Of Confronting Iran

#11433 | 02:44
Source: Al-Mashhad TV (UAE)

UAE academic Abdulkhaleq Abdulla said in a September 11, 2024 interview that aired on Al-Mashhad TV (UAE) that the Gulf countries are leading the Arab nation. He explained that only the six Gulf countries are capable of confronting Iran, its influence, and incursions. Abdulla explained that Iran has succeeded in creating a “Shiite crescent” that is surrounding the Arab countries, with Iran in the east, Yemen in the south, and Iraq in the north.

Abdulkhaleq Abdulla: "In the past 20 years, the Gulf has become the Arabs' undisputed political and diplomatic center of power.


"Today and until further notice, this region is leading the nation, whether we like it or not."

Interviewer: "It is leading the nation?"

Abdulla: "The leadership of the Arab nation is, in my opinion and until further notice, in the Gulf.


"Nobody is confronting the Iranian interference and harassments except for the Gulf countries. In Iraq, we are trying to confront Iran. In Syria the [Gulf countries] are active. In Yemen, we tried to confront [Iran] militarily. Today, no country can better confront these Iranian invasions, intrusions, and incursions than the six Gulf countries. Sometimes it is successful and sometimes less so, but neither Egypt, nor Algeria, nor any country is capable of confronting Iran, except for the six Gulf countries, which are carrying out this mission on behalf of all the Arabs."

Interviewer: "Has Iran achieved its ambition to create 'a Shiite crescent?'"

Abdulla: "To a large extent. We have always been the closest to Iran. We, the Gulf states. We are about 100 kilometers from Iran. We had to deal with Iran and confront its threats more than anyone else. We have always believed that the Iranian threat, the Iranian danger, was coming from the east. Today, in 2024, the Iranian threat has started coming from the south, through Yemen, and from the north, through Iraq. So Iran has succeeded in surrounding us. We have not seen such a 'Shiite crescent' in 3,000 years of dealing with Iran.


"I do not have much trust in Hizbullah, because it is not a patriotic Lebanese party, but one of Iran's soldiers. Hassan Nasrallah said it clearly: 'Our weapons, our money, everything comes from Iran. There can be no greater collaboration and insolence. Hizbullah is no longer a Lebanese patriotic party that deserves the respect of the Lebanese and the people of the Gulf."

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